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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS);faqs.028
4.2) Wie reserviere ich mir meinen Nickname?
Auf dem BITNET Relay geht das nicht. Auf dem IRC gibt es den
Nickserv; eine kurze Einfuehrung erhaelt man durch
/msg nickserv@service.de help
4.3) Wo kriege ich Bilder von Chattern her?
Es hat sich eingebuergert, dass auf RP's (siehe dort) Bilder
gemacht werden, die von den Fotographen dann auch gescannt und,
Einverstaendnis der Opfer vorausgesetzt, auf anonymen ftp - Servern zum
freien Zugriff freigegeben werden. Das wird ueblicherweise auf
de.talk.chat angekuendigt. Ausserdem gibt es seit neuestem die
Newsgroup de.alt.binaries.pictures.relay-party, wo solche Sachen auch
mal hingepostet werden.
4.4) Wie verschicke ich am schnellsten eine Datei an meine Chatpartner?
Einige IRC - Clients, unter anderem ircII fuer Unix, unterstuetzen
das dcc - Kommando; naeheres siehe /help dcc. Um eine Datei zu verschicken,
bietet man das File zum Abholen mit /dcc send nick filename ein, und der
Empfaenger holt sich dann mit /dcc get nick filename ab. Wenn es laengere
Textfiles sind, sollte man sie vorher komprimieren (mit compress unter UNIX).
4.5) Wass haben die @ und * neben dem H oder G bei der /who - Liste
im IRC zu bedeuten?
Das @ bedeutet, das die ensprechende Person auf dem
entsprechenden Kanal Channel - Operator (chanop, chop oder einfach auch
Opa) ist. Jeder, der einen neuen Kanal aufmacht, bekommt dieses Flag.
Ein solcher Benutzer ist privilegiert; er darf Leute vom Kanal werfen,
mittels des /kick - Kommandos und mit dem Kanal viele verschiedene Dinge
machen, wie zum Beispiel das Setzen eines neuen Themas durch nicht -
chanops verhindern, neue chanops ernennen, etc. All dies geschieht mit
dem /mode - Kommando, das ziemlich kompilziert ist.
Das * bedeutet, das es sich um einen IRC - Operator (oder in
neuerem Sprachgebrauch, Hausmeister) handelt. Diese Leute sind fuer das
reibungslose Funktionieren von IRC verantwortlich; sie haben technische
5 Credits
In dieser FAQ wurden Beitraege von Trillian, Zotty, Vaxima und Miraculix
Thomas Koenig, ig25@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de, ig25@dkauni2.bitnet
The joy of engineering is to find a straight line on a double logarithmic
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu alt.fan.douglas-adams:4487 news.answers:4578
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!hri.com!noc.near.net!uunet!munnari.oz.au!comp.vuw.ac.nz!kauri.vuw.ac.nz!gnat
From: gnat@kauri.vuw.ac.nz (Nathan Torkington)
Newsgroups: alt.fan.douglas-adams,news.answers
Subject: alt.fan.douglas-adams FAQ
Message-ID: <douglas-adams-FAQ_724330800@kauri.vuw.ac.nz>
Date: 14 Dec 92 11:00:16 GMT
Sender: news@comp.vuw.ac.nz (News Admin)
Reply-To: douglas-adams-faq@vuw.ac.nz
Followup-To: alt.fan.douglas-adams
Organization: Dept. of Comp. Sci., Victoria Uni. of Wellington, New Zealand.
Lines: 570
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Supersedes: <douglas-adams-FAQ_723121200@kauri.vuw.ac.nz>
Nntp-Posting-Host: kauri.vuw.ac.nz
Originator: gnat@kauri.vuw.ac.nz
Archive-name: douglas-adams-FAQ
Maintained-by: douglas-adams-faq@vuw.ac.nz <Nathan Torkington>
Buy "Don't Panic" by Neil Gaiman. It is the best guide to 'The Guide'
that is around. Relevant details are :
TITLE: Don't Panic
SUBTITLE: The Official Hitch-Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy Companion
AUTHOR: Neil Gaiman
PUBLISHER: Titan Books Ltd,
58 St Giles High St
London WC2H 8LH.
PAGES: 182pp.
ISBN: 1-85286-013-8
PRICE: UK price L3.95.
(with appropriate salaams to Scott Telford (s.telford@ed.ac.uk) for
kindly posting this data so that we may all benefit from his great
knowledge and wisdom)
There is allegedly a new edition of this, in the works. Stay tuned.
This is the list of frequently asked questions (and their answers) for
the newsgroup alt.fan.douglas-adams. There is biographical
information about Douglas Adams, a list of his books and their ISBN
numbers, as well as information about his boks and other fun stuff.
Where possible, pointers to existing information (such as books,
magazine articles, and ftp sites) are included here, rather than
rehashing that information again. Information is provided without
guarantee -- if you get stung using any of the information provided
here, or send off your personal fortune and are stuck, then I accept
no blame or responsibility. It's your own damn fault.
If you haven't already done so, now is as good a time as any to read
the guide to Net etiquette which is posted to news.announce.newusers
regularly. You should be familiar with acronyms like FAQ, FTP and
IMHO, as well as know about smileys, followups and when to reply to
email to postings.
This FAQ is currently posted to news.answers and alt.fan.pratchett.
All posts to news.answers are archived, and it is possible to retrieve
the last posted copy via anonymous FTP from pit-manager.mit.edu as
/pub/usenet/alt.fan.douglas-adams/douglas-adams-FAQ. Those without
FTP access should send e-mail to mail-server@rtfm.mit.edu with "send
usenet/news.answers/finding-sources" in the body to find out how to do
FTP by e-mail.
This FAQ was mostly written by Nathan Torkington, with numerous
contributions by readers of alt.fan.douglas-adams. Comments and
indications of doubt are enclosed in []s in the text. Each section
begins with forth dashes ("-") on a line of their own, then the
section number. This should make searching for a specific section
Contributions, comments and changes should be directed to
List of Answers
1 Biographical Information
1.1 Who the heck is Douglas Adams
1.2 What's this about the barrister?
2 Bibliographical Information
2.1 What are the books about?
2.2 Hitchhiker's Guide Series
2.3 Dirk Gently Series
2.4 Liff Books
2.5 Other Books
2.6 Young Zaphod Plays It Safe
2.7 Dr Who and Douglas Adams
3 Douglas Adams and Computers
3.1 Macintoshes
3.2 Computer Games
3.3 Magazine Articles
3.4 CD-ROM Edition of "Last Chance to See"
4 Mechandising
4.1 Audio Tapes
4.2 Albums
4.3 CDs
4.4 Videos
4.5 CD-ROM Edition of "Last Chance to See"
4.5 The Order of Everything
5 Explanations
5.1 The Ending to "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency"
5.2 Young Zaphod Plays It Safe
6 Miscellaneous
6.1 Stuff
6.2 Number Games
6.3 Other Authors
6.4 The Future
6.5 Related Electronic Information
1 Biographical Information
In this section you will find information on Douglas Adams. The
information isn't very detailed, because of (a) a desire to respect
his privacy, and (b) you might as well buy "Don't Panic" anyway (see
the very start of the file for information on Don't Panic).
1.1 Who the heck is Douglas Adams
Douglas Noel Adams (DNA) was born in 1952. [Anything else we need to
1.2 What's this about the barrister?
After nearly a decade of saying in his blurbs that he was nearly
married to a lady barrister, on November 25 1991 Douglas Adams and
Jane Belson tied the knot in a quiet ceremony at Finsbury town hall in
London. Bad luck, ladies. They will live in Islington.
2 Bibliographical Information
In this section you will find descriptions of DNA's books, the
information you need to order any of them, and information about
Douglas Adams writing for Dr Who (not really *bibliographic*
information, but what are you going to do - kick down my door and
shoot me?).
The entries are in this format: %T means title, %A means author, %I
means imprint, %D means date, %I means ISBN number and %Z means a
2.1 What are the books about?
Buy them and find out. Essentially, all the "Hitchhiker's Guide To
the Galaxy" series form a trilogy in five parts about one man's
travels through the universe after (and before) the Earth is
accidentally destroyed. These have been reissued in various forms.
The Dirk Gently books form a loosely-bound detective series.
The Liff books are dictionaries of words, giving means to words which
previously spend their lives loitering about at the top of signposts,
and giving words to meanings which needed them. "Deeper" is an
expanded form of "Liff", with somem definitions changed, and others
omitted all-together.
"Last Chance To See" tells of his trip around the world, looking for
endangered species. Very funny, and very serious.
2.2 Hitchhiker's Guide Series
%T The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
%A Douglas Adams
%T The Restaurant at the End of the Universe
%A Douglas Adams
%T Life, The Universe and Everything
%A Douglas Adams
%T So Long, and Thanks for All The Fish
%A Douglas Adams
%T Mostly Harmless
%A Douglas Adams
%T The Complete Radio Scripts
%A Douglas Adams
%Z The radio series scripts (not part of the trilogy).
%T The Hitchhiker's Trilogy
%A Douglas Adams
%Z A collection of the first three books.
%T The Hitchhiker's Omnibus
%A Douglas Adams
%Z A collection of the first four books.
%T The More Than Complete Hitchhiker's Guide
%A Douglas Adams
%Z The first four books, with the short story "Young Zaphod Plays It
%Z Safe". [Is this the Compleat?]
2.3 Dirk Gently Series
%T Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency
%A Douglas Adams
%T The Long Dark Teatime of the Soul
%A Douglas Adams
2.4 Liff Books
%T The Meaning of Liff
%A Douglas Adams and John Lloyd
%T The Deeper Meaning of Liff
%A Douglas Adams and John Lloyd
2.5 Other Books
%T Last Chance to See
%A Douglas Adams and Mark Carwardine
%T The Utterly Utterly Merry Comic Relief Christmas Book
%A Douglas Adams and Peter Fincham (editors)
%D 1986
%C Fontana
2.6 Young Zaphod Plays It Safe
The short-story "Young Zaphod Plays it Safe" originally appeared in
"The Utterly Utterly Merry Comic Relief Christmas Book", edited by
Douglas Adams and Peter Fincham. It was published by Fontana in Great
Britain in 1986. The story also appeared in the "More Than Complete
Hitchhiker's Guide".
2.7 Dr Who and Douglas Adams
Douglas (co)authored the shows "City of Death", "The Pirate Planet"
and "Shada". Shada was never screened. City of Death and Shada were
worked over and became "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency".
He also wrote a treatment (plot synopsis) for a film called "Dr Who
and the Krikkitmen". It was never made into either a film or a TV
show, but most of the pertinent plot points reappeared in "Life, The
Universe and Everything."
"Shada" was finally released on video on 6/6/1992. [Order info?]
3 Douglas Adams and Computers
DNA definitely has a close association with computers. Here you will
find about his love for Macintoshes, computer games he has (and
hasn't) written, and computer magazine articles he has authored.
3.1 Macintoshes
Douglas Adams likes Macintoshes, and at one stage lived with one in
Islington (see the dedication to [?]). He says that computer have
completely changed the way he writes (he has gone from avoiding
writing by finding food to eat, to avoiding writing by reconfiguring
his Macintosh's operating system).
3.2 Computer Games
With Infocom's Steve Meretzky (who no longer works for Infocom after
their takeover by Mediagenic), he wrote "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the
Galaxy" adventure game. "Bureaucracy" was credited to "Douglas Adams
and The Staff of Infocom" - there were lots of Infocom people involved
(Jeff O'Neill, Dave Lebling, Fred Morgan and others).
The end sequence to the game "Hitchhiker's Guide" mentions a second
game called "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe", but this game
doesn't exist. Douglas Adams started to write it, as because
"Bureaucracy" had poor sales, Adams and Infocom dropped the project.
Infocom tried to revive the project later, but the virtual death of
Infocom in 1990 brought this idea to an end.
Douglas Adams also started work on another game, where the emphasis
was to be on creating a virtual reality in the adventure, but petered
out after his partner lost interest.
Meretzky is still writing computer adventure games for "Legend
Entertainment". Infocom only exists as a label for Activision, the
company having been closed in 1989. The games are available from
Virgin Mastertronic in "Infocom From Mastertonic" (a budget games
house in the UK). Their address is :
Customer Services
Virgin Mastertronic Ltd
16 Portland Road
London W11 2LA
Tel: 071 - 727 8070
It is also included in a package of 20 games called "The Lost
Treasures of Infocom", released by Activision. "Bureaucracy" is
available in "The Lost Treasures of Infocom II", also by Activision.
These packages should be orderable or purchasable from any decent
computer store :-)
3.3 Magazine Articles
A Review of Microsoft Word for the Macintosh [?]
MacUser Magazine
September 1987
Page 144.
The Woes of SCSI Chaining
Personal Macintosh column
MacUser Magazine
3.4 CD-ROM Edition of "Last Chance to See"
See section 4.5
4 Mechandising
There are lots of merchandised products around. Here you fill find
where to order the cassette tapes, albums, CDs and video from.
4.1 Audio Tapes
The canonical address is:
BBC World Service Mail Order
Room LG26 NE
Bush House
London WC2B 4PH
Tel: +44 71 257 2575
Fax: +44 71 497 0498
The price, for a box set of 6 audio tapes is #21.70 (British pounds).
4.2 Albums
In the autumn of 1979, a double record album was released, which was a
slightly contracted version of the first four episodes of the radio
series. These were new recordings of essentially the same scripts.
In the autumn of 1980, a second album was made, consisting of a
rewritten and expanded version of radio episodes 5 and 6. This was
called _The Restaurant at the End of the Universe_.
You can obtain the albums from:
Intergalactic Trading Co.
P.O. Box 1516
Longwood, FL 32750
(407) 831-8344
their catalog is $2, and the albums cost $10 ($5 each).
4.3 CDs
The canonical address is:
BBC World Service Mail Order
Room LG26 NE
Bush House
London WC2B 4PH
Tel: +44 71 257 2575
Fax: +44 71 497 0498
The price, for a box set of 6 CDs is #34.76 (British pounds).
4.4 Videos
4.5 CD-ROM Edition of "Last Chance to See"
Featuring Douglas Adams reading the voice, information on the animals
by Mark Carwardine, numerous photographs. Available for the Mac only.
[Order info?]
4.5 The Order of Everything
1978: Fits 1-6 of the radio series were aired.
: Fit 7 (The Christmas Episode) aired.
1979: Pan Books releases "The Hitchhiker's Guide To The
Galaxy" book in Britain (expanded Fits 1-4).
: Double album released (contracted Fits 1-4).
1980: Fits 8-12 of the radio series were aired.
: Pan Books releases "Restaurant at the End of the
Universe" in Britain (contracted Fits 7, 8, 9, 10,
11, 12, 5 and 6).
: Harmony Books releases the first book in the United
: Second record album recorded (expanded Fits 5 and 6).
1981: Six television episodes aired by the BBC, based on
Fits 1-6 (used revisions made in the books).
1982: Harmony Books releases the second book in the
United States.
1982: "Life the Universe and Everything" released
simultaneously in Britain and the United States.
1984: "So Long, And Thanks for All the Fish" released
simultaneously in Britain and the United States.
1986: "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" computer game released.
199?: "Last Chance to See" released.
199?: "Last Chance to See" CD-ROM released.
1992: "Mostly Harmless" released.
5 Explanations
Not all of DNA's writing is easily grasped. This section includes
explanations of some of the trickier sections.
5.1 The Ending to "Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency"
From: bhack@mundil.cs.mu.OZ.AU (Brendan Hack)
Date: Tue, 12 Nov 1991 23:08:13 GMT
First of all you need to know something about Coleridge. There was
never a second part of the poem _Kubla Khan_. Yet, at the end of
Chapter 6 when The Director Of English Studies is reading _Kubla
Khan_ the book says `The voice (that of the director of english
studies) continues, reading the second, and altogether strange
part of the poem.'
In the book, _Kubla Khan_ has a second part. The book is not
actually set in our existence. It is set in an existence in which
the second part of _Kubla Khan_ exists. This second part of the
poem tells the ghost about the existence of the time machine and
how to travel back and stop the ship from exploding. As we well
know the explosion of the ship is what caused life to begin on
this miserable little planet of ours. When Dirk and Reg realised
this they simply went forward in time to when Coleridge was
writing the second part of _Kubla Khan_ and stopped him. Dirk just
interrupted him and talked so much that Coleridge forgot what the
second part was going to be about and therefore could not finish
it! This change of history sent reality back into our perspective
and the human race lived on (Yay, yippee!).
Quite simple really.
5.2 Young Zaphod Plays It Safe
6 Miscellaneous
This section has stuff that didn't really fit anywhere else.
6.1 Stuff
The phrase "the long dark teatime of the soul" appears in Chapter 1 of
"Life, The Universe and Everything". Wowbagger the Infinitely
Prolonged is described as being eventually ground down by the Sunday
afternoons, and "as you stare at the clock the hands will move
relentlessly on to four o'clock, and you will enter the long dark
teatime of the soul."
If you ring the Islington telephone number, you will get some people
who have nothing to do with Douglas Adams and who are very annoyed.
Don't do it.
Arthur plays Dire Straits' "Tunnel of Love" from their "Making Movies"
album to Fenchurch, in "So Long, And Thanks For All The Fish".
6.2 Number Games
Yes, 6 times 9 equals 54. Yes, 6 times 9 equals 42 in base thirteen,
and we don't want to know about the implications for the number of
fingers on cavemen.
The bit about monkeys was a reference to someone's comment that if you
get an infinite number of monkeys at typewriters, eventually one will
bash out a script to Hamlet. If you want to discuss probability,
quantum physics or anything else that has nothing to do with Douglas
Adams, bugger off to another group.
6.3 Other Authors
If you like Douglas Adams' writing, you might appreciate books by:
* Neil Gaiman
* Terry Pratchett
* Tom Sharpe
* P J O'Rourke
* P G Wodehouse
* Tom Holt
... but I offer no guarantees.
6.4 The Future
Having just released "Mostly Harmless", Douglas Adams says he wants to
do a TV series about the Universe and the stuff in it. He estimates
this will run around 12 episodes in length.
There is a video called "The Making of the Hitchhiker's Guide" in
progress, featuring all the original actors. They even found Marvin's
costume in a box in the BBC.
6.5 Related Electronic Information
PGG (Project Galactic Guide for long) accepts entries on real-life
subjects, as well as unreal-life subjects. A reader for the guide is
available, as vela.acs.oakland.edu:/pub/swbaker/guide.zip Don't forget
binary mode, ftp outside of business hours and contact
swbaker@vela.acs.oakland.edu if you have any questions.
Check out the newsgroup alt.galactic-guide, where PGG is alleged
to be happening. The person to contact is the Editor-In-Chief,
Supreme-God-Over-All-Beings and Leader-of-The-Hack, Paul Clegg
(cleggp@aix.rpi.edu). After long and protracted discussions on
which format is best for this, a decision was reached and I wasn't
interested enough to record it for posterity. Contact Paul for
There is also a paper-based list, maintained by David Hodges. It
is used to raise money for charity and has been approved by
Douglas Adams. You can buy copies (for charity), it is very
large, and would be tremendously illegal (and most would find it
immoral) to put on the net. Contributions to this can be sent to
alm@doc.ic.ac.uk (remember to say they're for David Hodges as this
isn't his account).
Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu alt.activism:37516 alt.drugs:41886 talk.politics.drugs:12541 news.answers:4800
Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!senator-bedfellow.mit.edu!usenet
From: aldis@peg.apc.org (Aldis Ozols)
Newsgroups: alt.activism,alt.drugs,talk.politics.drugs,news.answers
Subject: GROUPS: Anti War-on-Drugs Activists' List
Supersedes: <drug-law-reformers_724140130@athena.mit.edu>
Followup-To: alt.activism,alt.drugs,talk.politics.drugs
Date: 26 Dec 1992 06:02:22 GMT
Organization: Massachvsetts Institvte of Technology
Lines: 1478
Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu
Expires: 23 Jan 1993 06:02:10 GMT
Message-ID: <drug-law-reformers_725349730@athena.mit.edu>
Reply-To: aldis@kralizec.zeta.org.au
NNTP-Posting-Host: pit-manager.mit.edu
Summary: This is a list of organisations active in drug law reform,
with information on how to contact them.
X-Last-Updated: 1992/12/24
Archive-name: drug-law-reformers
Last-modified: 1992/12/24
Version: 1.13
v 1.13 12/1992
So you're sick of the "War on Drugs"? Here's an international
list of over 200 organisations which support drug law reform,
although most of them are in the US. Look for one in your area.
Please distribute this list widely, and send in any groups
which are not listed already.
There's an active group here for almost any taste. Joining
your favourite organisation is best, though if you're worried
about persecution, just send anonymous money or a letter of
appreciation. Take advantage of your democratic rights while
you still have some!
If you're already in a law reform organisation, you can use
this list to contact others with similar interests, and share
information or facilities. Just knowing that there are others
working on these issues can be a big morale booster.
The power of pro-liberty organisations can be multiplied many
times by fast and efficient communication, which spreads news
and promotes co-ordinated action. Electronic mail and
conferencing is the most efficient way to achieve these necessary
abilities. For example, this list doubled its size in eight
months of circulation over the Usenet. I strongly encourage
active groups and individuals to use this powerful technology.
This listing was originally kicked off with a list of groups
reproduced _with permission_ from the February, 1992 issue of
_High Times_ magazine (contact details at the end of the list).
Since then, it has grown considerably through the kindness of
those who have contributed additional entries, including Chris
Klausmeier, Macca Macpherson and Dave Thomson. Please reproduce
and distribute widely with this acknowledgment. Post it on
bulletin boards if you can.
I don't know any more about most of these groups, than what
appears here. If you know about other active groups not
listed here, or if any entries need correction, please e-mail
me at "aldis@kralizec.zeta.org.au" or "aldis@peg.apc.org",
or mail to the address below, for incorporation in future
editions of this list.
Aldis Ozols
GPO Box 127
* * * * *
PO Box 768
Potts Point
NSW 2011
Fax: (02) 358 1332
Notes: Sells clothing made of hemp, and distributes information
about the uses of hemp for paper, fuel, etc.
Flinders NORML
c/- Clubs and Societies Association, Inc.
Flinders University
Bedford Park, SA 5042
Hemp For Paper Consortium
c/- Harmsens
430 Tinderbox Road
TAS 7054
Phone: (002) 29 2063
New South Wales NORML
GPO Box 91
Sydney, NSW 2001
Email: ausnorml@peg.apc.org
Nimbin HEMP
PO Box 177
Nimbin, NSW 2480
Phone: (066) 89 1602
International Anti-Prohibitionist League (Europe)
97 Rue Belliard, Rem.512
1040 Brussels
Phone: (32 2) 230 4121
Fax: (32 2) 230 3670
Hemp Canada
500 PallMall St.
London, Ontario
N5Y 2Z4
Phone: (519) 433 9570
(Peter Miller)
International Anti-Prohibitionist League (Canada)
c/- Marie-Andree Bertrand
PO Box 6128
University of Montreal
Criminology Dept.
Montreal, Quebec H3C 3S7
SFU League for Ethical Action on Drugs
c/o SFSS Clubs Administration
Simon Fraser University
Burnaby, B.C.
Email: chil@sfu.ca
Suomen kannabisyhdistys
PL 20
SF-00770 Helsinki
H.A.N.F. e.V.
Hanf als Nutzpflanze foerdern
c/o Gecko Headshop
Osterfelder Str. 2
D-5600 Wuppertal 1
Phone: (0202) 304295
Fax: (0202) 316795
PO Box 19467
Auckland 7
Phone: (09) 828 4707 (Mike Finlayson)
Verein Schweizer Hanf Freunde
(Swiss Association of Hemp Friends)
Postfach 323
9004 St. Gallen
CODD (Committee for an Open Debate on Drugs)
BCM Entwine,
London WC1N 3XX
Legalise Cannabis Campaign
BM Box 2455
London WC1N 3XX
Alabama TEACH
Rt 3 Box 620
Blountsville, AL 35031
(Johnny Bynum)
Alaskans for Hemp Awareness
1013 E. Dimond St, #227
Anchorage, AK 99515
Alaskans for Privacy
810 West 2nd Street
Anchorage, AK 99501
Phone: (907) 274 2010
Alliance for Cannabis Therapeutics
PO Box 21210
Kalorama Station
Washington, DC 20009
Phone: (202) 483 8595
American Anti-Prohibitionist League
3929 SE Madison
Portland, OR 97214
(Floyd Ferris Landrath)
American Cannabis Research Experiment
PO Box 3240
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Email: jeg5s@uva.PCmail.virginia.edu
American Cannabis Society
PO Box 9208
Madison, WI 53715
American Civil Liberties Union
132 West 43rd St.
New York, NY 10036
Phone: (212) 944 9800
Notes: While not explicitly a drug law reform group, the ACLU
promotes human rights and supports alternatives to current laws.
American Hemp Council
PO Box 71093
Los Angeles, CA 90071-0093
Phone: (213) 288 4152
American Medical Marijuana Movement
(San Francisco Headquarters)
3745 Seventeenth Street
San Francisco, CA 94114
Phone: (415) 864 1961
Ann Arbor NORML
PO Box 6014
Ann Arbor MI 48106
Phone: (313) 663 9048 (Rich Birkett), (313) 453 8840
Antiochans for Hemp Awareness
Antioch College
Community Government
Yellow Springs, OH 45387
Phone: (513) 767 6427
Arizona NORML
703 W 12th Place
Tempe, AZ 85281
PO Box 50434
Phoenix, AZ 85076
Phone: (602) 278 4278
(William Green)
Bill of Rights Society
PO Box 44485
P.C., CA 91412
Boulder Hemp Initiative Project
P.O. Box 729
Nederland, CO 80466
Phone: (303) 369-1782
(Blair Wilson, Laura Kriho)
Buffalo B.A.C.H.
336 Esser Avenue
Buffalo, NY 14207
Phone: (716) 873 0255
(Marilyn Craig)